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How Technology Can Grow Your Medical Practice

In today’s digital age, there are countless ways to improve your medical practice without ever having to leave the office. But how do you know what technology tools are worth using and which are just money-wasters? With all of the health tech out there, it can be hard to know where to begin when it comes to growing your medical practice with technology – but it doesn’t have to be that way. By following the expert advice in this article, you’ll discover exactly what tools will help your practice grow and thrive.

Digital Technology in Healthcare

The way we view and receive healthcare is changing rapidly. While digital technology has been slowly making its mark in healthcare for years, it’s now being infused into every aspect of medical practices across AU. Tech-savvy patients are already at a disadvantage if they don’t have access to all their medical information; so how can your practice harness digital technology to make life easier?  Here are some ways you can integrate digital technologies into your practice:

5 Ways to Grow Your Medical Practice Using Technology

Today’s healthcare landscape is exploding with digital technology. However, there’s still a disconnect between how medical practices are embracing change, and how their patients engage in their care and wellness. These five ways will help you grow your practice by using digital technology as a tool to meet your patients where they are.

1. Use Interactive Video Platforms

Health Care Chabot’s are interactive video platforms that prompt a patient via webcam or mobile device through their appointment while they remain at home with the ease of communication. This enables them to have convenient and easy access to health care without having to visit your office.

2. Utilize Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is set to become one of the biggest technological advancements in many years. With VR, you can offer medical services by streaming it directly into your patients’ homes for convenient access and no travel hassles for them! It’s easy to implement too; all you need is a VR headset or even a simple smartphone.

3. Give them Digital Access

Patients are on their computers, tablets and smartphones constantly – so why not let them access your practice through these devices? You can create an app or website that enables your patients to book appointments, ask questions, look at medical records, and even contact your office directly.

4. Allow them to Book with their Smartphones

In many places around the world, people are using their mobile devices for everything from booking hotel rooms to ordering dinner. Why not use it to make your life easier and let patients book appointments directly from their phones? For example, you can allow patients to search for a doctor in your area with just a few taps on their smartphones.

5. Use Social Media

Social media has become an integral part of daily life for most people – and it’s no different when it comes to medicine. Leverage popular platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat to connect with patients and promote your medical practice. You can also use these platforms to find current or potential patients by conducting a simple search on social media networks.

10 Benefits of Using Technology in Your Medical Practice

All practices face certain challenges, whether they’re in a major metropolitan area or a small town. The ability to stay relevant and market your services in a digital world can help you grow. It may sound clichéd, but today’s world is all about speed, efficiency and performance; luckily for physicians, technology provides all of these things. 

Utilizing digital technologies means that not only will patients expect everything to be done quickly and easily (because it will be), but it also means you won’t have to spend as much time on administrative tasks so that you can dedicate more time towards what matters — growing your practice and keeping your patients happy. Here are some key benefits of digital technology in medical practice:

1. Simplify Services

The digital world can make every aspect of your medical practice simpler. You can provide virtual office hours, which give patients a chance to communicate with you in ways that work best for them and their schedules. Patients also tend to appreciate technology’s ability to deliver everything they need in one place.

2. Grow Revenue

By incorporating digital technology into your medical practice, you’ll be able to see what works and what doesn’t. You can create strategies that help you generate more revenue and attract new patients.

3. Grow Patient Loyalty

The main goal of most practices is to provide excellent service, which will make their patients loyal to them. Digital technology can help you differentiate yourself and market your practice so that you’re at an advantage over others in your area. With these benefits, there is no reason not to incorporate digital technology into your medical practice.

4. Streamline Record Keeping

If you’re not already doing so, it’s a good idea to embrace digital records. They can simplify your life and help ensure that all of your patient’s records are organized. If you’re still using paper records or outdated software, you could be missing out on some big benefits and fall behind in terms of efficiency and organization.

5. Encourage Efficiency

The more efficient you are with your time, the more time you’ll have to spend on what matters — growing your practice and helping patients. Digital technology makes it possible to do things in less time, so you can handle your most important tasks quickly and efficiently.

6. Build A Digital Reputation

In today’s digital world, it’s important to maintain a positive reputation. One way you can do that is by providing patients with as much information about your practice as possible. That includes having an online presence and sharing everything from videos to articles on social media so that your potential patients can learn more about you before deciding whether or not they want to work with you. Your online reputation will likely influence how many new patients you attract each month, so it pays off to put in time and effort early on.

7. Improve Efficiency

You can use a variety of digital technologies to streamline all aspects of your medical practice. From electronic medical records to virtual office hours, there are plenty of ways that you can increase efficiency without reducing quality.

8. Get Feedback

Getting feedback is an essential part of any business, and you should be doing everything possible to get it. With digital technology, it’s easier than ever to see what patients think about your practice and where improvements could be made. This can help you meet patient needs and ensure that they keep coming back over time.

9. Strengthen Customer Relationships

When you make it easy for patients to reach out to you or communicate with you in other ways, they will likely feel valued. And when they feel valued, they’re more likely to keep coming back and refer their friends and family members to your practice. That can have a big impact on your business over time.

10. Save Money

While adopting digital technology may cost you some upfront money, doing so could save your practice thousands of dollars in the long run by streamlining services and reducing costs related to the staff and office space.


Hospitals and medical centres have been quick to adopt new technologies, but many doctors’ offices are still hesitant. This doesn’t make sense when you think about how easy it is to grow your practice with digital tools. All that’s required is a little bit of strategy, and then some consistency as you build out a plan for how technology can benefit your practice. Digital technology in healthcare has never been easier to use or more affordable—the only barrier is that physicians are slow to adopt these practices.


1. Is technology making a difference in healthcare?

Yes! It’s increasingly important for medical professionals to embrace technology; not only does it help you grow your practice, but it can save you time and money as well.

2. What is digital technology in healthcare?

Digital technology encompasses everything from desktop computers to electronic medical records (EMRs). These tools can be used for business operations, patient education and even direct patient care such as administering a remote electrocardiogram (EKG) or phone check-in from home after surgery.

3. How can technology grow my medical practice?

Digital technology has been revolutionizing several industries, and healthcare is no exception. It can help both established practices and aspiring specialists attract more patients while also improving their productivity.

4. What kind of technological solutions might be effective?

There are many types of digital technology available, including mobile apps and wearable devices that track your activity level and heart rate, as well as computer software that manages patient records and insurance information.

5. Which technologies do doctors find most useful in their offices?

Doctors find computerized health records (CHRs) to be both valuable and cost-effective.




